Quarkiverse Hub

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Using Antora

The Quarkiverse extension template includes skeleton documentation. These docs use Asciidoctor for content, and Antora for navigation. To get started creating your documentation, update the docs/modules/ROOT/pages/index.adoc in your project. If your extension grows more complex and you need multiple pages, add them to docs/modules/ROOT/nav.adoc.


Code samples can be put in the docs/modules/ROOT/examples folder, and imported into the main documentation with an ::include directive. Properties in docs/templates/includes/attributes.adoc will be resolved and copied into docs/modules/ROOT/pages/includes/attributes.adoc by the Maven resources plugin each build.

Quarkiverse docs hosting

Consider adding documentation to the Quarkiverse docs page. The Quarkiverse Hub uses Antora to aggregate each extension's documentation in the Quarkiverse docs website. To register your extension's documentation, open a PR including it in the antora-playbook.yml