Quarkiverse Hub

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Repository name

The repository name under the quarkiverse organization should have quarkus- prefix. This will help avoid potential conflicts when cloning and/or forking the repository.

Project's Maven artifact groupIds

The Maven groupId of the project's artifacts should follow the following format: io.quarkiverse.<project-name>. In other words, the project’s groupId should start with the io.quarkiverse. prefix followed by the project-specific unique name (minus the quarkus- prefix) in which dots aren't allowed. Also, since your groupId should also be your root package name, if it contains characters that are not allowed in package names (such as -), you should concatenate all the parts of your project name to form a single, lowercased name. So if your repository is named quarkus-foo-bar, your groupId would become io.quarkiverse.foobar.

Project's Maven artifact artifactIds

The project’s artifactId should start with the quarkus- prefix.

Root package name

The root package name is expected to be the same as the project’s Maven artifact groupId, i.e. io.quarkiverse.jberet, if project name is jberet. See the groupId section for more details.